Home Remedies for Sensitive Teeth in Children

Home Remedies for Sensitive Teeth in Children

You may think of it as being an adult or senior problem, but kids can have sensitive teeth too! The stinging, tingling, and jabbing pains when having hot or cold food or drinks can range from a mild inconvenience to a significant drain on your little one’s quality of life. Sensitive teeth may also be […]

Common Dental Problems in Children

Common Dental Problems in Children

When it comes to a happy and healthy child, there is no shortage of issues to think about. Many of us may first think of medical conditions when we worry about our little one’s health, but oral health is also important. Although baby teeth, also called primary teeth, are made to be replaced by adult […]

what causes cavities in children

What Causes Cavities and Tooth Decay in Children?

When we think of good oral hygiene, the first thing most of us think of is probably protecting ourselves against cavities and tooth decay. This is just as true when it comes to caring for your child’s teeth as it is for your own. Although baby teeth, or primary teeth, do eventually come out and […]

White Spots on Toddlers Teeth

White Spots on Toddler’s Teeth

When your little one’s teeth start to grow in, it can be strange to see anything out of the ordinary. After all, baby teeth are brand new, and most babies and toddlers mainly drink breast milk, formula, cow milk or dairy alternatives, and a relatively limited selection of solid foods, depending on their age. So […]