What is a Palate Expander?

What is a Palate Expander?

One of the biggest advantages to starting orthodontic treatment early is the ability to better adjust a child’s bite and jaw alignment. While the bones are still growing, it is easier to encourage the straightening and aligning needed to achieve good outcomes. Palate expanders are one of the devices that can help with early orthodontic treatment, […]

How to Use a Waterpik

How to Use a Waterpik

Waterpiks® can be intimidating. Whether your dentist has recommended you or your child use one for sensitive gums, or a friend says it changed their life, it can still be tough to know where to start. For many who are used to flossing, using a Waterpik for the first time can feel messy and unwieldy. Once […]

When Do Kids Start Losing Teeth?

When Do Kids Start Losing Teeth?

Losing teeth is a rite of passage for children. Wiggly teeth, the tooth fairy, and learning to eat and speak with a gap or two are parts of childhood everyone experiences. But once you become a parent, it can be easy to forget exactly when those teeth started to come out. Once your baby’s teeth […]

What Age Do Kids Get Braces?

What Age Do Kids Get Braces?

Wondering what age kids get braces is a frequent question parents ask when planning future oral health needs. This is especially true if one or more parents had braces themselves, and know it may be likely going forward. No two situations are exactly alike, and some kids may need braces earlier or later than others […]